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22 results

Background: Note: Applicants for the previous roster call of Evaluation Experts do not need to re-apply. The OSCE has a comprehensive approach to...

SEC000748 Requisition #

Note: This vacancy has been re-opened to increase the applicant pool. Candidates who were already nominated for this position are still under...

Rule of Law

ALB000127 Requisition #

Background: OSCE field operations are the front line of the OSCE’s engagement on the ground, supporting host authorities in fulfilling OSCE...

Rule of Law

SKP000160 Requisition #

Background: OSCE field operations are the front line of the OSCE’s engagement on the ground, supporting host authorities in fulfilling OSCE...

Human Rights

SKP000162 Requisition #

We are looking for experts with diverse backgrounds and levels of specialization in areas such as reconciliation, peacebuilding, regional...


MNG000022 Requisition #

Background: This position is open for secondment only and participating States are kindly reminded that all costs in relation to an assignment at...

Rule of Law

SEC000611 Requisition #

Background: The OSCE has a comprehensive approach to security that encompasses politico-military, economic and environmental, and human aspects. It...

Political Affairs

SEC000682 Requisition #

Background The vacancy is open only for persons with the citizenship of or permanent residence in the Republic of Serbia. This is an extra-budgetary....

SRM000083 Requisition #

Background This position is open for secondment only and participating States are kindly reminded that all costs in relation to an assignment at the....

OSC000409 Requisition #

Background: Please note that this position is funded under an Extra-Budgetary (ExB) project on "Prevention of Human Trafficking for Labour...

SEC000746 Requisition #

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