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22 results

Tasks and Responsibilities: Under the direct supervision of National Chief of Accounts NP-3 as a first-level supervisor and the Chief of Financial...

Budget & Finance

KOS000191 Requisition #

NOTE: Please note that this is a short-term appointment with an approximate duration of three (3) months. Background: Under the supervision of...

BAH000108 Requisition #

Background The vacancy is open only for persons with the citizenship of or permanent residence in the Republic of Serbia. The successful candidate...

SRM000061 Requisition #

Background: This position is open for secondment only and participating States are kindly reminded that all costs in relation to assignment at...

Human Rights

ODI000166 Requisition #

Background information The OSCE, in cooperation with the Ministry of Youth and Sports of Ukraine, implements the project "Involving and Supporting...

OSC000368 Requisition #

Background: The fast development of internet-based media has had a significant impact on journalism, its traditional methods of newsgathering and...

Media Affairs

KOS000189 Requisition #

General Minimum Requirements The general minimum requirements for working with the OSCE are: • Excellent physical condition• Possession of.....

Civilian Police

SKP000113 Requisition #

The OSCE Programme Office in Bishkek (POiB) is seeking experienced local expert (practitioner) in data collection and analysis, to prepare and...

KYR000211 Requisition #

Background: Please note that this position is funded under an Extra-Budgetary (ExB) Project on "Prevention of human trafficking for labour...

SEC000544 Requisition #

Background: This position is open for secondment only and participating States are kindly reminded that all costs in relation to an assignment at...

Political Affairs

SEC000535 Requisition #

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