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Background information The OSCE, in cooperation with the Ministry of Youth and Sports of Ukraine, implements the project "Involving and Supporting...

OSC000368 Requisition #

Background: The fast development of internet-based media has had a significant impact on journalism, its traditional methods of newsgathering and...

Media Affairs

KOS000189 Requisition #

Background The OSCE Support Programme for Ukraine (SPU) has been established in order to continue to support the Ukrainian Government’s reform.....

Project Management

OSC000367 Requisition #

In light of this, the OSCE Gender Issues Programme is looking for qualified experts to conduct specific assignments to achieve further results in the....

Human Rights

SEC000538 Requisition #

Background The OSCE Support Programme for Ukraine (SPU) has been established in order to continue to support the Ukrainian Government’s reform.....

Project Management

OSC000364 Requisition #

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