Economic & Environmental Affairs
KAZ000091 Requisition #
1599 Total Views


This position is open for citizens/permanent residents of Kazakhstan only.

In 2024, the Office supported the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources and the International Green Technologies and Investment Projects Center (IGTIPC) in developing a Best Available Techniques (BAT) handbook on automatic emissions monitoring systems. Building on this effort, the Ministry has requested further support in 2025 for the development of a new BAT handbooks focused on waste management. 

In 2025, three potential handbooks are planned to be developed, covering the following areas: 
1. Waste disposal; 
2. Waste recovery; 
3. Waste landfilling.

The development of BAT handbooks on waste management is a crucial step toward strengthening Kazakhstan’s regulatory framework and aligning it with international environmental standards. 

The management of hazardous and non-hazardous waste poses significant environmental and technical challenges. As Kazakhstan’s industrial sector continues to expand, the volume of waste requiring sustainable treatment solutions is also increasing. These handbooks will serve as key resources for promoting the adoption of environmentally sound waste management practices, helping to mitigate risks to both public health and the environment.

Objective of Assignment: 
The Office will require the services of a national expert to develop two of the mentioned BAT handbooks on waste disposal and on waste landfilling (hereinafter – BAT handbooks)

Duration of Assignment:
60 working days.

Tasks, Responsibilities and Deliverables:

Under the overall supervision of the Senior Economic and Environmental Officer, the successful candidate will be tasked with the following duties:

1. Developing of the 1st drafts of the BAT handbooks in Russian: 
- on waste disposal, 
- on waste landfilling;
including online participation and active engagement in working group meetings and other relevant meetings with key stakeholders.

1st draft of the BAT handbooks in Russian in accordance with designed structure and areas of responsibility specified in Annex 1-2 to this ToR (structures of the BAT handbooks outlined in the Annex 1-2 are preliminary and could be adjusted to reflect the needs of the legislation and the needs of the relevant stakeholders). Annex 1-3 will be provided to short-listed candidates by email.

2. Support during the discussions with Technical Working Group members, the BAT Committee, other interested parties (if applicable) and public hearings (if held) of the BAT handbook on waste recovery, including: 
- Participation in the meetings with governmental authorities and other stakeholders.
- Addressing technical inquiries and concerns from government agencies, industry representatives, and environmental experts.
- Assisting in the revision and refinement of the BAT handbook based on feedback from regulatory bodies and key stakeholders

Attendance of all required meetings and incorporation of received feedback from stakeholders, experts, and regulatory authorities into the BAT handbooks.

3. Developing the final version of the three mentioned BAT handbooks and the concluding report on each BAT handbook. 

Final versions of the BAT handbooks in Russian approved by the IGTIPC.

Necessary Qualifications:

- Recognized university degree in environmental science, waste management, chemical engineering, industrial ecology, or a related relevant technical or engineering field; 
- At least 7 years of professional experience in waste management, environmental policy, or industrial emissions control, or a related field; 
- In-depth knowledge of waste treatment, recovery, disposal, and landfilling technologies, understanding of hazardous and non-hazardous waste management and associated risks.
- Proven expertise in BAT principles, methodologies, and their implementation in industrial sectors.
- Prior experience in developing BAT reference documents, technical guidelines, policy recommendations or regulatory frameworks at the national or international level.
- Prior participation in similar events under the auspices of the OSCE or other international organizations would be an advantage 
- Fluency in English and Russian is required


Remuneration Package:

Remuneration will be based on the selected consultant's/expert's qualifications, experience, the tasks and deliverables for this position and in accordance with the OSCE established rates.

If you wish to apply for this position, please use the OSCE's online application link found under https://vacancies.osce.org/.


The OSCE retains the discretion to re-advertise/re-post the vacancy, to cancel the recruitment or to offer an appointment with a modified job description or for a different duration.


Only those candidates who are selected to participate in the subsequent stages of recruitment will be contacted.


The OSCE is committed to diversity and inclusion within its workforce, and encourages qualified female and male candidates from all religious, ethnic and social backgrounds to apply to become a part of the Organization. 


Candidates should be aware that OSCE officials shall conduct themselves at all times in a manner befitting the status of an international civil servant. This includes avoiding any action which may adversely reflect on the integrity, independence and impartiality of their position and function as officials of the OSCE. The OSCE is committed to applying the highest ethical standards in carrying out its mandate. For more information on the values set out in OSCE Competency Model, please see https://jobs.osce.org/resources/document/our-competency-model.


Please be aware that the OSCE does not request payment at any stage of the application and review process.

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