International expert on “Interviewing techniques for women and men with mental impairments” (SSA)

KOS000280 Requisition #
815 Total Views


During April and May 2025, the OSCE Mission in Kosovo (the Mission), through the Police Development and Monitoring Section’s (PDMS) project on “Advancement of strategic and operational capacities and human rights compliance within security sector institutions (phase III)”, will organize a three-day “Training on Interviewing techniques for women and men with mental  impairments”” for the Ombudsperson Institution (OI), more specifically for its Preventive Mechanism (PM) role. 

An international expert will deliver the training. The training will look toward enhancing the skillset of the NPM staff on upholding relevant laws, procedures, and agreements on human rights, but focuses on victim-centred care and ensuring a responsive cognitive interview asking the victims, in particular sensitive to the needs of the women and men with a mental impairments, witnesses, and suspects questions that they may find difficult to answer, to establish the facts and circumstances of a reported incident and/or relevant to the NPM duties on evaluations, inspections, and reporting demands. Certain elements a part of the activity include looking for proper care and security, including the safety of those being interviewed (especially to avoid re-victimizing), protecting information, the safety of colleagues, and personal safety. 

The training was requested by the OIK, based on the NPM’s mandate to interview the persons deprived of their liberty, focusing on the detainees with mental  impairments. The NPM did not have any training in the field, and this kind of training is expected to equip the staff with appropriate knowledge when dealing with this category of detainees.


Objective of Assignment: 

The primary aim of this training is to enhance the NPM participants’ expertise focused on victim-centred care and ensuring a responsive cognitive interview asking the victims, in particular, sensitive to the needs of the women and men with a mental  impairments.


Duration of Assignment:

The Consultant will be hired for 5 working days.


Tasks and Responsibilities:

  1. To develop the training methodology and materials in consultation with the DSPS Police Developments and Monitoring Section (PDMS) activity manager, deliver the agenda, presentations, and case studies before the training;
  2. To prepare the presentations for the three-day training on Interviewing techniques for women and men with mental  impairments;
  3. To deliver a three-day training for 20 participants from NPM;
  4. To prepare and deliver the final report.


  • By 14 April 2025, develop and submit the presentations, agenda, and other training materials to the OSCE activity manager for approval and potential amendments, including the pre-training survey questions;
  • By 21 April 2025, incorporate PDMS comments in the training agenda and material and submit the final version to the activity manager for approval;
  • From 19 to 21 May 2025, the consultant successfully delivers a three-day training for 20 participants;       
  • By 31 May 2025, deliver a final report to the OSCE activity manager, summarizing the observations during the training, identifying legislative gaps on the topic, as well as future actions’ recommendations.

Necessary Qualifications:

  • University degree in law, medicine, political sciences, international relations, or other related fields;
  • At least ten years of relevant experience in the area of human rights with a focus on detention;
  • Extensive experience in training of monitoring detention on the issues of human rights;
  • Excellent understanding of international human rights standards related to detention;
  • Excellent facilitation and presentation skills;
  • Professional fluency in English;
  • Preferably be an active or former member of the Subcommittee on Prevention of Torture and other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (SPT), the Council of Europe’s Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (CPT), or part of any other body that monitors the detention.
  • Digital literacy and proficient use of Microsoft Office (Outlook, Word, Excel, and PowerPoint) and the Internet

Remuneration Package:

Remuneration will be based on the selected consultant's/expert's qualifications, experience, the tasks and deliverables for this position and in accordance with the OSCE established rates.

In order to apply for this position, you must complete the OSCE's online application form, found under OSCE Careers - Jobs. Applicants are encouraged to use the online recruitment and only fully completed OSCE applications will be accepted. However, if you have technical difficulties with the system, you may use the offline application form found at Offline application form | OSCE Employment and forward the completed form quoting the vacancy number by e-mail to: In line with your qualifications please indicate a preference for one or more fields of expertise listed above (while using the online application the field of expertise preference can be indicated in the cover letter part). Kindly note that applications received after the deadline, submitted in different formats than the OSCE Application Form or other languages than the English language would not be considered. The OSCE is committed to diversity and inclusion within its workforce and encourages qualified female and male candidates from all national, religious, ethnic, and social backgrounds to apply.

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