International Consultant to support ODIHR’s work to address intersectional and gender-related considerations in hate crime and hate crime victim support (SSA)

Human Rights
ODI000217 Requisition #
2510 Total Views


The Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) is the principal institution of the OSCE responsible for the human dimension. ODIHR is active throughout the OSCE area in the fields of election observation, democratic development, human rights, tolerance and non-discrimination, and the rule of law. ODIHR’s assistance projects and other activities are implemented in participating States in accordance with ODIHR’s mandate.

In line with the relevant OSCE commitments, ODIHR is working on improvement of hate crime reporting, recording, data collection, investigation and prosecution, law making, and victim support systems across the OSCE region by means of policy advice, guidance, and capacity building. 

To this end, ODIHR is planning to work on mapping and providing practical guidance to address intersectional and gender-related considerations in hate crime and hate crime victim support work. ODIHR observes that many national institutions remain insufficiently equipped to effectively address these crimes, often failing to provide adequate support to victims. ODIHR’s experience demonstrates that hate crime policies and legislation existing across the OSCE region do not generally account for or cater to the multi-layered, intersecting nature of people’s identities, and in particular the gender-related elements of identity. This widespread misunderstanding of the phenomenon prevents national stakeholders from introducing practical and effective measures, which could address the victims’ intersectional needs. The planned initiatives and publications will address these concerns and provide practical guidance on these matters.    


Objective of Assignment: 

To assist ODIHR in research, mapping and drafting papers and practical guidance addressing intersectional and gender-related considerations in hate crime and hate crime victim support.


Tasks and Responsibilities:

The successful candidate will be tasked with the following duties:


  1. Conducting desk research and interviews with practitioners in addressing intersectionality and gender in hate crime and hate crime victim support work.
  2. Mapping of good practices in addressing intersectionality and gender in hate crime and hate crime victim support work.
  3. Drafting policy papers, guidance and other relevant documents on how to practically ensure addressing intersectionality and gender in hate crime and hate crime victim support work.
  4. Support to ODIHR in drafting related leaflets, visibility materials, handouts, video scripts, etc.

For more detailed information on the structure and work of the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights, please see:


Necessary Qualifications:

  • Second-level university degree in political or social sciences, international relations, law, human rights, gender studies, humanities, or related field;
  • Minimum 5 years of professional experience in the field of tolerance and non-discrimination, hate crime and hate speech, victim support, or another relevant field;
  • Demonstrated experience in relevant research or drafting policy papers, guidance and other relevant documents related to hate crime, hate crime victim support, intersectionality and/or gender;
  • Knowledge of hate crimes, hate crime victim support, intersectionality and/or gender;
  • Professional fluency in English with excellent communication (both oral and written) skills;
  • Excellent analytical and drafting skills;
  • Ability to work under minimum supervision and experience of working as part of a team;
  • Demonstrated gender awareness and sensitivity and an ability to integrate a gender and diversity perspective into tasks and activities;
  • Computer literate with practical experience using Microsoft applications.


Remuneration Package:

Remuneration will be based on the selected consultant's/expert's qualifications, experience, the tasks and deliverables for this position and in accordance with the OSCE established rates.

If you wish to apply for this position, please use the OSCE's online application link found under


The OSCE retains the discretion to re-advertise/re-post the vacancy, to cancel the recruitment or to offer an appointment with a modified job description or for a different duration.


Only those candidates who are selected to participate in the subsequent stages of recruitment will be contacted.


The OSCE is committed to diversity and inclusion within its workforce, and encourages qualified female and male candidates from all religious, ethnic and social backgrounds to apply to become a part of the Organization. 


Candidates should be aware that OSCE officials shall conduct themselves at all times in a manner befitting the status of an international civil servant. This includes avoiding any action which may adversely reflect on the integrity, independence and impartiality of their position and function as officials of the OSCE. The OSCE is committed to applying the highest ethical standards in carrying out its mandate. For more information on the values set out in OSCE Competency Model, please see


Please be aware that the OSCE does not request payment at any stage of the application and review process.

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