International Consultant on “Human Intelligence (HUMINT) gathering (SSA)

KOS000275 Requisition #
1591 Total Views


The OSCE Mission in Kosovo, through its Department for Security and Public Safety (DSPS), plays a critical role in strengthening community safety and increasing public confidence in policing. As part of the “Further Enhancing Community Safety Forums and Increasing Public Confidence and Satisfaction in Policing (Phase VII)” project, the Mission is committed to improving the capacity of the Kosovo Police. In line with this goal, the Mission will organize a three-day training course on HUMINT (Human Intelligence) information gathering in June 2025. The training will focus on developing essential skills for 20 analysts from the Kosovo Police (KP) Department of Intelligence and Analysis, as well as other analytical cells within the KP. This course will provide participants with the knowledge and tools necessary to effectively identify, manage, and handle human intelligence sources in compliance with ethical and legal guidelines. HUMINT, which involves gathering intelligence through interpersonal contact, is crucial in providing insights into criminal behaviour and intentions that cannot be obtained through technical means. The training will emphasize the harmonization and standardization of procedures related to informant handling, aiming to improve information handling practices and ensure that all participants are equipped with best practices. Key topics will include the definition and types of informants, ethical considerations, and practical skills in managing informant relationships. By the end of the training, participants will be proficient in collecting, documenting, and analysing HUMINT in a law enforcement context, enhancing their ability to gather timely, actionable intelligence on criminal activity.

The Mission will ensure a gender-balanced and non-majority communities’ representation among participants through close cooperation and liaison with the KP before the event. The agenda will likewise be agreed prior to the training, however, this training will address criminality issues with regards informant handling and human intelligence generically. The Mission will hire an international expert to conduct the training and will provide logistical and translation support during the event. It will also cover the expenses for the venue, lunch, refreshments, and stationery. The training will be held in Prishtinë/Priština. 
The added value of the international expert in this context lies in their expertise and experience in the field of Human Intelligence (HUMINT) gathering. By providing specialized training in this area, the expert can equip participants from the Department of Intelligence and Analysis and other KP analytical cells with advanced skills and knowledge essential for effective HUMINT operations. This training will ultimately enhance the participants' ability to gather, evaluate, and analyze human intelligence, improving their operational effectiveness and decision-making.


Objective of Assignment: 

This training will equip 20 analysts from the KP with the knowledge and tools necessary to effectively identify, manage, and handle human intelligence sources in compliance with ethical and legal guidelines.


Duration of Assignment:

The Consultant will be hired for 5 working days.


Tasks and Responsibilities:

  1. To develop the training methodology and materials in consultation with the DSPS Community Safety Development Section (CSDS) activity manager, deliver the agenda, presentations, and case studies before the training;
  2. To prepare the presentations for a three-day Training on HUMINT (Human Intelligence) information gathering. Plan and submit them to the activity manager for review;
  3. To deliver a three-day training for 20 participants on HUMINT (Human Intelligence) information gathering;
  4. To prepare and deliver the final report.


  • By 30 May 2025, develop and submit the presentations, agenda, and other training materials to the OSCE activity manager for approval and potential amendments. This includes conducting pre- training and post-training evaluation.
  • By 5 June 2025, incorporate CSDS comments in the training agenda and material and submit the final version to the OSCE activity manager for approval.
  • From 17 to 19 June 2025, the consultant successfully delivers a three-day training for 20 participants.        
  • By 30 June 2025, deliver a final report to the OSCE activity manager, summarizing the observations during the training, identifying gaps on the topic, as well as future actions’ recommendations.

 Necessary Qualifications:

  • Advanced degree in law enforcement, intelligence, criminology, or in a related field;
  • At least five years of experience in designing and delivering training programs for law enforcement or security personnel, with a focus on informant handling and HUMINT;
  • Proven experience in delivering specialized training courses to law enforcement agencies and public institutions;
  • Significant experience in intelligence gathering, particularly in managing human sources of information. Previous experience of working in a capacity building role;
  • Excellent spoken and written English language is mandatory;
  • Demonstrated ability and willingness to work as a team member, with people of different cultural and religious backgrounds and different gender, cultural sensitivity and judgment;
  • Digital literacy and proficient use of Microsoft Office (Outlook, Word, Excel and PowerPoint), and the Internet

Remuneration Package:

Remuneration will be based on the selected consultant's/expert's qualifications, experience, the tasks and deliverables for this position and in accordance with the OSCE established rates.

In order to apply for this position, you must complete the OSCE's online application form, found under OSCE Careers - Jobs .  Applicants are encouraged to use the online recruitment and only fully completed OSCE applications will be accepted. However, if you have technical difficulties with the system, you may use the offline application form found at Offline application form | OSCE Employment and forward the completed form quoting the vacancy number
by e-mail to: In line with your qualifications please indicate a preference for one or more fields of expertise listed above (while using the online application the field of expertise preference can be indicated in the cover letter part). Kindly note that applications received after the deadline, submitted in different formats than the OSCE Application Form or other languages than the English language would not be considered. The OSCE is committed to diversity and inclusion within its workforce and encourages qualified female and male candidates from all national,
religious, ethnic, and social backgrounds to apply.

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